
Showing posts from May, 2016

And on with the blog...

PLEASE IGNORE THE DATES GENERATED BY THE BLOG SITE - I HAVE TO PUT THE DATES IN REVERSE ORDER FOR THE BLOG TO READ FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, SO I JUST ENTER RANDOM DATES THAT ARE PREVIOUS TO THE OLDER POSTS. THE ONLY DATES APPLICABLE ARE THOSE MENTIONED BY ME, NOT BY THE BLOGSITE I started writing this blog so many years ago that I am sure at least some things must have changed since I wrote it - if anyone has any info I can add, change or delete please email me at SCURTISCO at AOL dot COM and I will gladly update accordingly. This Blog the third in my series which follows the story of how I came to be an American Pharmacist. The story is told in full through: Which I hope should make life a lot easier to understand for anyone trying to follow in my footsteps, since I found the process to be agonizingly painful every step of the way, and could have killed for a resource like this